The Big Move: My Thoughts About Packing Up and What The Future Holds

My roommates and I are moving soon. I’m so excited and nervous to live in a house again, after 4 years of living in either a dorm or a tiny apartment. I lived with my parents for 18 years before I went to college, when I got used to moving in and out of dorms. I don’t mind the process of moving, especially because I have fun packing things up, and later unpacking them and putting them away. 

Our top pick is a four bedroom, two bathroom standalone house that is in another state. It was built over 50 years ago but was recently remodeled. We’re trying to rent the house not just as a living area, but to help advance our careers. One of my roommates and I are going to use the basement as a costume making studio, to hopefully decrease our production time for commissions (which we get a decent amount of!). We currently work in an area that is meant to be a dining room, which is about a fourth of the size of this particular basement. We will also have space to make and sell premade, pre packaged items that we can ship easily from our porch (seriously, how work-from-home can you get?). My other roommate, who is a musician, will be converting one of the bedrooms into a music production studio. She’ll be able to make music without worrying about disturbing the neighbors. This is also a space upgrade, as she has been producing music from an actual closet that is barely 3x4ft. Finally, our fourth chosen-family-member is my fiance, who is in the military. The location of this particular house was a big draw because it is fairly close to the military base that he will be stationed at for the next four years. So basically, renting this house is an investment for all of us.

We are all so hyped to live in somewhere bigger than our current place. We went to scope out the house yesterday and it was great. I loved walking through it and thinking of what each room’s function would be. The bedrooms are about the same size as our current ones, but will seem much larger once all our non-sleeping-area belongings are stored in the basement and closets. Each bedroom will have Only Bedroom Things in it, as opposed to our current place which has fandom themed shelves squeezed between the beds and walls. We would have space to use and store seasonal decorations, which is great because we’ll actually have a cozy fireplace to decorate and sit around during the holidays.

I’m trying not to get my hopes up, but they're already through the two-story roof. I already started packing up some things I don't use often, or things that are not directly related to me being in school or my common hobbies that I do regularly. I packed up all of my heavy items like fabric and books in small boxes since they’ll be easier to carry that way. I’ll be able to push through dragging them up the stairs knowing I’ll finally be able to live with my fiance after 6.5 years together and 4 of those years long-distance. We are applying to this location as soon as the property manager sends it to us, but even if this isn’t the exact house we rent I’m still in love with the plans we have for it which can be transferred to another location.


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